April 1986
The nucleus of AGiM (AnästhesieGemeinschaft in München) is to be found in the collaboration of Dres. Wolfgang Fischer and Klaus Huslik. These gentlemen had decided to make an escape from Public Service and set up an association of their own. Independant anesthetists at this time were very rare and in the absence of role models they did not really know what they were letting themselves into, especially when the predictable monthly salaries from the hospitals failed to materialize and they found themselves in the wild.
The first common working place was Clinic Dr. Geisenhofer, a women's hospital situated next to the English Garden.
Dres. Fischer and Huslik introduced (among other things) epidural anesthesia for pain relieve at birth as well as spinal anesthesia for caesarean sections - there were already around 1400 babys born per year - which in the beginning was ogled suspiciously by many affiliated gynecologists and midwives.
Nowadays things have changed of course. All mothers-to-be can request pain relieve or decide, which kind of anesthesia they prefer for c-sections.
October 1986
Registration in the Bavarian Doctor's List was a prerequisite for self-employment and starting a medical practice.
October 1987
Dr. Klaus Huslik obtained permission to open a medical practice on his own and was now able to participate in medical care for the Public Health Service. Dr. Fischer had already gone through this procedure.
April 1988
The Bavarian Medical Chamber approved the cooperation of Dres. Wolfgang Fischer and Klaus Huslik in the field of Anesthesiology forming one practice as statutory health insurance physicians, effective april 1th, 1988.
Thus the Joint Practice of Anesthesiology Fischer-Huslik was born.
The first official residence was also a private residence in Spretistrasse, 8000 Munich.
The first quarter-end accounts the doctors did on the kitchen table.
Most valuable office-equiment was the private computer of Dr. Klaus Huslik : a Macintosh II, who hit the market in March 1987 for the stiff price of 5.498 US$.
The first co-operation partner of the practice was Clinic Dr. Geisenhofer, women's hospital next to the English Garden.
This cooperation ended after more than 27 years in October 2013.
During the first four years Dr. Fischer and Dr. Huslik - once in a while with the help of locum doctors - were rendering all services for the clinic:
day-shifts, night-shifts, epidurals, spinal anesthesias, treating new-borns, c-sections, anesthesias for every kind of gyneological operation, postoperative care in the intensive ward and more.
Nobody in his right mind would shoulder a workload like the nowadays. When it came to holidays - well, forget it. Those were the days.
Other early "clients" were pediatric surgeon Dr. Axel Kohler in Grünwald near Munich and the practice for orthopedic surgery of Dr. Johannes Schmidt, Dr. Ernst-Otto Münch and Dr. Hermann Mayr in Munich/Solln.
There is even today a highly esteemed cooperation between AGiM and above mentioned partners, even though their practices have grown considerably over the years - in the case of the orthopedic surgeons after the merger with another big orthopedic practice - into the Orthopaedic Surgery Munich (OCM), a very renowned institution, specializing exclusively in treating the locomotory system.
Not to forget the children's dentistry of Dr. Cheryl Butz and collegues, a partner of very early days.
January 1991
The official residence of the practice was moved to Knöbelstrasse 14, Munich
Knöbelstraße 14, München
From 1991
To satisfy increasing requests for services by surgeons, several more collegues were admitted into the practice.
The office of the joint practice moved to a flat in an old building at Gewürzmühlstrasse 17, München.
The services of a secretary were engaged to help with the paperwork. Up to this point, all administrative details of the practice were handled by Dr. Fischer and Dr. Huslik more or less "en passant".
Gewürzmühlstraße 17, München
Being entrusted with medical specialist care for Arabella-Clinics in München/Bogenhausen in the Arabella highrise and to keep up with both the enlargement of the practice and the ever growing administrative responsibilities, the office also relocated there, taking advantage of the fact that the Arabella-Clinics were on the 19th floor and the office in the 5th floor of the same building.
Even there the practice had to move to more spacious rooms, to house a staff of three secretaries.

Sheraton Arabellaparkhotel-Highrise, München
The joint practice of anesthesiology was certified to the standards of ISO 9001, a process-oriented quality management system, by TÜV Süd.
In the beginning of this year, the joint practice of anesthesiology, Munich-Center and the joint practice of anesthesiology, Wolfart-Clinic, Munich-Gräfelfing, who already had been closely working together for many years, merged.
The name was self-explicatory: AnästhesieGemeinschaft in München (AGiM), meaning Association of Anesthetists in Munich.
The new structure of the emerging major association consisted of a clear separation between anesthesiology and administration: an executive board of four was established together with a managing director with authority.
Through acquisition of new cooperation partners (among them Isarkliniken, Munich) and thereby an accumulation of administrative burden, the staff had a hard time in rooms, which had obviously become too small. In the same year AGiM was able to offer them generous, spacious, bright, modern and well equipped office space on the premises of a business villa in Mahirstrasse 11, München.

Practice AGiM, Mahirstraße 11, München
December 31th, 2012
Dr. Fischer, Founder of AGiM, retired as Senior Partner due to pensionable age.
December 31th, 2013
Dr. Huslik, Founder of AGiM, retired as Senior Partner due to pensionable age.
© Dr. Klaus Huslik