Sorted alphabetically: 
Augsburg (Bavaria)
Augsburg - of historical and genealogical interest
Augsburg - Pictures  and impressions: click here 
Bremen - of historical and genealogical interest
Bremen - Pictures  and impressionsclick here 
Cologne (Köln)
Cologne (Köln) - of historical and genealogical interest: click here
Cologne (Köln) - Pictures  and impressions: click here 
Hamburg - of historical and genealogical interest
Hamburg - Pictures  and impressionsclick here 
Leipzig (Saxony)
Leipzig - of historical and genealogical interest
Leipzig - Pictures  and impressions: click here 
Munich (Bavaria)
Munich - of historical and genealogical interest
Munich - Pictures  and impressions: click here 
Werl (North Rhine Westphalia)
Werl - of historical and genealogical interest
Werl - Pictures  and impressions: click here 
genialogic-creative research and moregenealogy, genealogical researches, family and heir research, correspondence and documentation inGermany, Austria, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Belgium, France, the Netherlands and Italy